Store Officer Vacancy in DRDO - Apply Now

 Store Officer Vacancy in DRDO - Apply Now

On 25/07/2020, DRDO announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed Any Graduate for the position of Store Officer.

Company Name      DRDO

Post Name             Store Officer

No of Posts             5 Posts

Salary                     Rs. 44,900 - Rs. 1,42,400/-Per Month

Job Location         Chandigarh, Gwalior, Haldwani, Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore

Last Date to Apply     22/09/2020

Qualification Details:

Filling Up Of The Posts Of Stores Officers In Defence Research & Development Organisation (Drdo), Ministry Of Defence On Deputation (Including Short Term Contract) Basis.

1. Posts: Store Officer

2. No.of. Posts: 05

3. (B) Possessing the following educatbnal quahficaions and experienæ : - (i) Degree Of recognized University. (ii) 3 years' expenence in Government or or in a private concem of in indentng purchases maintenance of technical stores or Note 1 : Quafications ate relaxable at discretm of the competent authority. for reasons to be recorded in recording. in the case ot candidates otterwise we/ qualified.

4. Note 1: Qualication late relaxable at the discretion of the corroetent authority. for reasons to be recorded in the case or candidates otherwise we" qualified. Note 2: The qualificatiön(s) regarding experience istate reaxable at Of the COOVOtCnt authority. (Or reasons to be recorded in writing. in the Caso 01 canddatos bolonging to Schcdulod Castes and Schedulcd Tribes. if at any siagc Of selectbn. the competent authority is of the opinion that number of candidates from mse communicies. possessing the requisito experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them. Note 3: For purposes Of appointment on deputation basis. servke rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to First January two thousand six (the date from which the revised pay structure based on the mxth CPC recommendations has been extended). shall be deemed to ee service rendered in the corresponding grade pay/ pay scale extended based on the remrnmendations Of the pay commission except where there has been merger ot more than one pre-revised scale into one grade with a common grade pay/pay scale. and where this benefit win extend onty the post(s) for which that grade pay/ pay scale is the normal replacement grade without any upgradation.

5. Qualitative Requirements: Officers vodcr tho Central or Sate Government or Union Territory Ot Recognized Research Institutions Of Public Sector Undertaking or Sorni•Govornmont or Autonomous Organizations or Tee-.nical Organization. (A) (i) Holding analcgous posts an a regular basis in the parent cadre or department or (iii With five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in Level-C6 (Rs. 354W-112400) in the Pay Matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or department

For more Jobs : Click here.

Age: 56 Years


Shri Pravin Kumar Oas. Dy Director Directorate Of Personnel, Room NO. 266. 2nd Floor. DROO Bhawan. Rajaji Marg. New Delhi - 110 011

Selection Procedure :

Selection Will Be Based on Deputation Basic.

How to Apply :

The application in the Proforma as given in Annexure-II may be sent through prepare channel to Shri Pravin Kumar Oas. Dy Director Directorate Of Personnel, Room NO. 266. 2nd Floor. DROO Bhawan. Rajaji Marg. New Delhi - 110 011 within 60 days from the date of Issue of this circular/ advertisement in the Employment News alongwith the following :  (a) Complete and attested photocopies Of APARS O' the Officers the last 5 years (i.e.. 2014-15 to 2018-19). Photocopies of APARs must bo attestod on each page by an officer not below tho rank Of Under Secretary or equivalent. Photocopies of APARs which are not attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary or equivalent shall not be accepted. (b) of mapaminor penalties imposeaon officer during last 10 years; and (c) Vigilance ard cfsciplinary clearance ard intogrity certificato in respect of those who couEd be spared in the event Of their selection. (d) Certificate the Cadre Conrolling Authanty as per given probrma.  Application received aner the last date or without any Of the aforesaid documents/lnformation Or Otherwise incomplete will not be considered and no representation such" similar nature will bo entertained.Whilo forwarding tho application. it may bo vcrifiod and certified tho partiQAarS furnished by the oncer are correct. that there is no doubt about the integrity of the officer and no disaplinary case ts either pendng or contemplated the often

For apply : Click here.

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